Monday, January 22, 2007

New blog and group

I was lurking in a Usenet group and ran into a link for this Time magazine article [excerpt]:

A little over a year ago, 10 friends got together in San Francisco over a potluck dinner. There were a few teachers, a technology marketer, an engineer, a dog handler. What would it be like, they wondered amid the Christmas shopfest, if they all pledged not to buy anything new except food, medicine and essential toiletries for a year? Thus was born a movement that they named, in a light-hearted way, after the 1621 Mayflower Compact. "We are a group of individuals committed to a 12-month flight from the consumer grid," they wrote in a chat-room manifesto that lists their aims as going "beyond recycling," reducing clutter in their homes and simplifying their lives: "Borrow, barter or buy used."
Here's the San Francisco blog.

I've begun a blog for Louisiana. Posts coming this p.m.

The Louisiana Compact Yahoo Group. Ya'll are invited to join :-).

The huge The Compact Yahoo Group.

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