Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Names from spam

I was enjoying the view at Gallery of the Absurd and somehow ended up at Fresh Spam, which has great illustrations of spam names and subjects.

Spam names? Sure. Here's a selection from my own inbox:

Ladyda Jessica
Dorita Crow
Minnie Sadler
Rajan Eileif
Kobi Levi

I used to see authors like "Wrestling B. Dangler" but maybe my ISP is filtering those now.

Anyhow, after the Fresh Spam site I hopped over to this post at Birdmonster, where a bunch of kind folks are sharing the spam names in their inboxes.

Naturally, you would follow stock advice from Grinchmas Gashy, right? lol

You can make your own names with the Spamfriend Generator.

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