Friday, June 08, 2007

Parish council meeting

We were unable to attend the last parish council meeting and must rely on reports from friends.

Citizens asked questions, and the theme of the replies was mostly, "The law doesn't say what you think it says." Pray tell, then, why don't they rewrite it?

One landowner south of town asked why large farming properties were included in the map as Suburban Residential. She was told that she lived near town, so she's suburban - doesn't explain the "residential," does it? And that the map was drawn to include in that designation properties with city water. However, the area in question does not have city water; they have parish water, I discovered via a phone call.

The council members and planning commission had no current map at the meeting.

A comment equating the zoning law with communism got applause from the audience. The room was packed to overflowing.

There was a comment made by somebody on the council - maybe Toye? - that the parish is expecting a huge amount of growth. I disagree. Like many others, I believe the post-Katrina boom is over.

I, too, am in an area apparently designated "Suburban Residential" by the zoning map. No, it doesn't affect me now. But it will very effectively limit the number of buyers for my property if I decide to sell. On suburban residential, you cannot have horses or livestock. One of the reasons to move out of the city and into the country is to have horses, a few chickens, maybe raise a pig every year - activities that are prohibited in the SR district.

This is a bad law.

Go to this page and email the council members to vote No.

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